Sister City relationship between Santa Barbara and Puerto Vallarta was established in June 1973 by Santa Barbara City Council resolution No. 7742
To Provide a means for promoting and maintaining a program of international sister city friendship and people-to-people exchange between Santa Barbara, California and Puerto Vallarta, México and the residents of these two respective cities.
Who We Are & What We Do:
A yearly highlight of the committee is the winter sojourn to Puerto Vallarta. A significant number of members usually make the ten-day visit. We get a chance to see firsthand what our efforts are producing. Our members become enchanted with this beautiful city and its friendly people.
Many lasting friendships are made across the border due to these visitations. In return, our friends from Puerto Vallarta come to Santa Barbara during our annual celebration of Old Spanish Days in August and we look forward to the opportunity to returning the hospitality and show them our lovely city, share our homes, and camaraderie.
At present, the Santa Barbara/Puerto Vallarta Sister City Committee has the largest membership of all the Santa Barbara Sister Cities. Our sister city organization consists of a diverse variety of individuals. We conduct monthly general meetings in the form of dinners with the focus usually on a specific program. The purpose of these meetings is to perpetuate the group by keeping all informed on current programs, and to maintain a high level of interest. We have a board of directors who meet monthly to plan programs, and share in decision making. Through our board of directors, committees are formed to carry out the various programs.
The sister city program is a dedication of friendship and understanding between people of different cultures and attitudes to those who engage in the program. It creates an awareness of our “south-of-the-border” neighbor, and the opportunity to enrich our lives, as well as those of our sister city. If you want to help and/or become a member of our group, please feel free to contact one of our board members and get involved with us.
A yearly highlight of the committee is the winter sojourn to Puerto Vallarta. A significant number of members usually make the ten-day visit. We get a chance to see firsthand what our efforts are producing. Our members become enchanted with this beautiful city and its friendly people.
Many lasting friendships are made across the border due to these visitations. In return, our friends from Puerto Vallarta come to Santa Barbara during our annual celebration of Old Spanish Days in August and we look forward to the opportunity to returning the hospitality and show them our lovely city, share our homes, and camaraderie.
At present, the Santa Barbara/Puerto Vallarta Sister City Committee has the largest membership of all the Santa Barbara Sister Cities. Our sister city organization consists of a diverse variety of individuals. We conduct monthly general meetings in the form of dinners with the focus usually on a specific program. The purpose of these meetings is to perpetuate the group by keeping all informed on current programs, and to maintain a high level of interest. We have a board of directors who meet monthly to plan programs, and share in decision making. Through our board of directors, committees are formed to carry out the various programs.
The sister city program is a dedication of friendship and understanding between people of different cultures and attitudes to those who engage in the program. It creates an awareness of our “south-of-the-border” neighbor, and the opportunity to enrich our lives, as well as those of our sister city. If you want to help and/or become a member of our group, please feel free to contact one of our board members and get involved with us.
A yearly highlight of the committee is the winter sojourn to Puerto Vallarta. A significant number of members usually make the ten-day visit. We get a chance to see firsthand what our efforts are producing. Our members become enchanted with this beautiful city and its friendly people.
Many lasting friendships are made across the border due to these visitations. In return, our friends from Puerto Vallarta come to Santa Barbara during our annual celebration of Old Spanish Days in August and we look forward to the opportunity to returning the hospitality and show them our lovely city, share our homes, and camaraderie.
At present, the Santa Barbara/Puerto Vallarta Sister City Committee has the largest membership of all the Santa Barbara Sister Cities. Our sister city organization consists of a diverse variety of individuals. We conduct monthly general meetings in the form of dinners with the focus usually on a specific program. The purpose of these meetings is to perpetuate the group by keeping all informed on current programs, and to maintain a high level of interest. We have a board of directors who meet monthly to plan programs, and share in decision making. Through our board of directors, committees are formed to carry out the various programs.
The sister city program is a dedication of friendship and understanding between people of different cultures and attitudes to those who engage in the program. It creates an awareness of our “south-of-the-border” neighbor, and the opportunity to enrich our lives, as well as those of our sister city. If you want to help and/or become a member of our group, please feel free to contact one of our board members and get involved with us.