New Member Orientation to SB/PV Sister City Program

Welcome as a new member to the Santa Barbara/Puerto Vallarta Sister City Committee. We look forward to your active participation and we are happy to share an overview orientation on what we do and how you can be involved.

The Sister City Program is an affirmation of one people’s basic goodwill toward another people. It is a dedication of friendship and understanding between peoples of different cultures and different attitudes. It is the golden rule in international practice. It is recognition of the often obscured fact that we all are brothers in the human race. And it is fun.

Most Sister City activities are conducted on an individual city-to-city basis and the grass roots strength of the Sister City Movement rest on the people-to-people citizen diplomacy programs of direct contact activity within sister cities relationships. The range of activities include cultural, student, professional, industrial, and commercial exchanges of every form, all arranged directly by those engaged in the individual program.

This is where the real efforts and goals envisioned by the late President Eisenhower are being realized, and where the bridge of true friendship and understanding that can lead to lasting peace in the world is being built.

We are very proud of the yearly sister city activities we accomplish, they have been recognized as the “best sister city overall program” by Sister Cities International at their annual conferences. We submit a yearly list of our activities to the Santa Barbara Sister City international board that keeps track of all the Santa Barbara sister city programs. You are welcome to see the list and select one or more activities where you would like to participate.

Your active participation in one or more of the committees will result in a joyful sense of shared identity with citizen diplomats working on the world peace mission throughout the world.